Book Shelf

Any type of book shelf is easy to build and assemble. Book shelves may be used for different purposes and not only for books. It is a great space saver and at the same time provides lots of benefits. When you decide to finally have it mounted on your wall, you need to know certain details to make the project become a success. Though it is just a book shelf, it still needs some analysis and study.

First thing to know is to where it will be placed. Know how will the shelf be mounted and its position. Decide whether you like a single shelf only or multiple shelves for more space. Know the designs that will fit on your wall.

Once you have determined all the details, prepare all the materials you need for building and mounting. Usually book shelves will use 6 mm plywood to avoid swaying and rocking once it is already placed on your wall. Make sure that you have all the necessary wood and screws to properly mount the shelf on your wall.

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